Crear Crear
Actual edition

Josep Ramoneda

Journalist, philosopher and writer. He is director of the humanities and economics magazine La Maleta de Portbou and of the Escola Europea d'Humanitats. He regularly collaborates with the newspaper El País, Cadena Ser and the Catalan newspaper Ara. He is the director of various essay collections and president of Edicions 62. He was director of the Center for Contemporary Culture of Barcelona (CCCB) between 1989 and 2011, president of the Institut de la Recherche et de l'Innovation (IRI) in Paris (2009 - 2014), director of the Humanities Institute of Barcelona (1986-1989), contributor to La Vanguardia (1980-1996) and professor of contemporary philosophy at the Autonomous University of Barcelona (1975-1990).

He has published numerous books, including Apologia del present. Assaigs de fi de segle (Edicions 62, 1989), After the political passion (Taurus, 1999), Condensed time. Globalization, immigration, terrorism, culture (Debolsillo, 2003), Against indifference. Apology of the Illustration (Galaxia Gutenberg, 2010), The Necessary Left (RBA Libros, 2012) and the collective book Existential Utopia (New York, 2012). He has received the Ciutat de Barcelona prize for international projection (2012) and the National Culture prize of the Generalitat de Catalunya (2013).




Ajuntament de Dénia
Dénia City of Gastronomy
Generalitat Valenciana

Academic direction:

La Maleta de Portbou